What is 'その他の営業収益及びその他の営業費用の内訳' ?
'その他の営業収益及びその他の営業費用の内訳' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on IFRS.
Transltate to English
Components of other operating income and other operating expenses
'その他の営業収益及びその他の営業費用の内訳' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on IFRS.
Components of other operating income and other operating expenses
Translation: Components of other income and other expenses...
Translation: Other elements for components of other income and other expenses...
Translation: Components of other non-operating income and expenses...
Translation: その他の営業収益及びその他の営業費用の内訳...
Translation: Other elements for components of operating expenses...
Translation: Other elements for components of selling, general and administrative expenses...
Translation: Components of other operating expenses...
Translation: Other elements for components of finance income and finance costs...
Translation: その他の収益及びその他の費用の内訳のその他の要素...
Translation: その他の営業外損益の内訳...