'偽造ハイウェイカード損失' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Loss on forged highway card
Translation: Provision for loss on forged highway card...
Translation: ハイウェイカード偽造損失補てん引当金...
Translation: 偽造ハイウェイカード損失...
Translation: Loss on retirement of highway non-current assets...
Translation: Loss (gain) on sales and retirement of non-current assets...
Translation: Provision for loss on business of subsidiaries and associates...
Translation: Loss (gain) on sales and valuation of investment securities...
Translation: Loss (gain) on change in equity...
Translation: Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on construction contracts...
Translation: Loss on disposal of supplies...
タグ:card, forged, highway, loss, on