'優先出資申込証拠金' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Deposits for subscriptions of preferred shares
Translation: Deposits or paid-in advances for subscriptions of preferred shares...
Translation: Deposits for subscriptions of shares...
Translation: Deposits for subscriptions of treasury shares...
Translation: Deposits for subscriptions of specific shares...
Translation: Deposits or paid-in advances for subscriptions of specific shares...
Translation: 優先出資申込証拠金...
Translation: 優先出資申込証拠金又は優先出資払込金...
Translation: 新株式申込証拠金...
Translation: 自己株式申込証拠金...
Translation: 特定出資申込証拠金...
タグ:deposits, for, of, Preferred, shares, subscriptions