'施設設備引当特定資産への支出' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Payment of reserved assets for facilities
Translation: 施設設備引当特定資産への支出...
Translation: Proceeds from reserved assets for facilities...
Translation: Depreciation of assets for rent...
Translation: Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of non-current...
Translation: Provision of reserve for special account for tax purpose reduction...
Translation: Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of assets...
Translation: Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of assets...
Translation: Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of depreciable...
Translation: Loss on retirement of assets for lease...
Translation: Loss (gain) on disposal of assets for lease...
タグ:Assets, facilities, for, of, payment, Reserved