What is '競争法関連費用' ?
'競争法関連費用' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on IFRS.
Transltate to English
Expenses related to competition law
タグ:competition, expenses, law, related, to
'競争法関連費用' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on IFRS.
Expenses related to competition law
Translation: 競争法関連費用...
Translation: Expenses related to anti-monopoly act...
Translation: Loss (gain) related to fixed assets...
Translation: Expenses on securities and derivatives related to trading transactions...
Translation: Expenses incurred by contracts to bear back-end costs related to...
Translation: Expenses related to leasing business...
Translation: 独占禁止法関連費用...
Translation: Profit (loss) attributable to...
Translation: Dividends to non-controlling interests...
Translation: Securities related to trading transactions...
タグ:competition, expenses, law, related, to