'1年内回収予定の長期貸付金' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Current portion of long-term loans receivable
Translation: Current portion of long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates...
Translation: 1年内回収予定の長期貸付金...
Translation: 1年内回収予定の関係会社長期貸付金...
Translation: Current portion of long-term borrowings...
Translation: Current portion of long-term borrowings from subsidiaries and associates...
Translation: Collection of long-term loans receivable...
Translation: Collection of long-term loans receivable from employees...
Translation: Current portion of long-term accounts payable – railway facilities...
Translation: Current portion of long-term payables under securitization of lease receivables...
タグ:Current, loans, long-term, of, portion, receivable