'支払手形・工事未払金' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Notes payable, accounts payable for construction contracts
Translation: Notes payable, accounts payable for construction contracts and other...
Translation: Accounts payable for construction contracts...
Translation: 支払手形・工事未払金等...
Translation: 支払手形・工事未払金...
Translation: Notes receivable, accounts receivable from completed construction contracts and other...
Translation: Notes receivable, accounts receivable from completed construction contracts...
Translation: 工事未払金...
Translation: Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on construction contracts...
Translation: Long-term accounts payable to Japan railway construction, transport and technology...
Translation: 受取手形・完成工事未収入金等...
タグ:accounts, Construction, contracts, for, Notes, payable