What is '特定金融派生商品' ?
'特定金融派生商品' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Transltate to English
Trading-related financial derivatives
'特定金融派生商品' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Trading-related financial derivatives
Translation: Income from trading-related financial derivatives transactions...
Translation: Expenses on trading-related financial derivatives transactions...
Translation: 特定金融派生商品...
Translation: 特定金融派生商品収益...
Translation: 特定金融派生商品費用...
Translation: Derivatives...
Translation: Loss (gain) on valuation of derivatives...
Translation: Derivatives of trading securities – assets...
Translation: Loss (gain) on derivatives...
Translation: Financial revenue...