'不動産圧縮損' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Loss on tax purpose reduction entry of real estate
Translation: 不動産圧縮損...
Translation: Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of real estate...
Translation: Loss on tax purpose reduction entry of non-current assets...
Translation: Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of real...
Translation: Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of real...
Translation: 不動産圧縮積立金...
Translation: 固定資産圧縮損...
Translation: 不動産圧縮積立金の積立...
Translation: 不動産圧縮積立金の取崩...
Translation: Loss on sales of real estate properties...
タグ:entry, estate, loss, of, on, purpose, Real, reduction, tax