'その他の営業貸付債権' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Accounts receivable – other loans to customers
Translation: その他の営業貸付債権...
Translation: Accounts receivable – operating loans...
Translation: Accounts receivable from subsidiaries and associates – other...
Translation: Other accounts receivable...
Translation: Long-term loans receivable from directors (and other officers) and employees...
Translation: Long-term loans receivable from directors (and other officers)...
Translation: Long-term accounts receivable from subsidiaries and associates – other...
Translation: Accounts receivable – other business...
Translation: Long-term loans receivable from directors, employees and other...
Translation: Long-term loans receivable from directors, employees and other, net...
タグ:accounts, customers, loans, Other, receivable, to