'Current portion of guarantee deposits' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Translation: 1年内返還予定の預り保証金...
Translation: Current portion of guarantee deposits...
Translation: Current portion of guarantee deposits received...
Translation: 1年内回収予定の関係会社長期貸付金...
Translation: 1年以内に期限到来の関係会社長期借入金...
Translation: 差入保証金償却額...
Translation: 差入保証金の差入による支出...
Translation: 1年内に支払う鉄道施設購入長期未払金...
Translation: 1年以内に期限到来の固定負債...
Translation: 信託差入敷金及び保証金の回収による収入...
タグ:Current, deposits, guarantee, of, portion