'Loss on valuation of land for sale' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Translation: Loss on valuation of land for sale...
Translation: 販売用不動産評価損...
Translation: Loss on valuation of real estate for sale...
Translation: 関係会社事業損失引当金繰入額...
Translation: ゴルフ会員権評価損...
Translation: 金利スワップ評価損...
Translation: たな卸資産評価損...
Translation: 債務保証損失引当金戻入額...
Translation: 訴訟損失引当金戻入額...
Translation: 投資その他の資産評価損...
タグ:for, Land, loss, of, on, sale, valuation