'Gain on disposal of non-current assets' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Translation: 固定資産処分損益(△は益)...
Translation: Gain on disposal of non-current assets...
Translation: Loss (gain) on disposal of non-current assets...
Translation: 固定資産売却益...
Translation: 固定資産受贈益...
Translation: 固定資産等処分損...
Translation: 固定資産売却損益(△は益)...
Translation: 有形及び無形固定資産処分損益(△は益)...
Translation: 各事業共用固定資産売却益...
Translation: 賃貸資産処分損益(△は益)...
タグ:Assets, Disposal, Gain, Non-current, of, on