Loss (gain) related to fixed assets
What is 'Loss (gain) related to fixed assets' ?
'Loss (gain) related to fixed assets' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on IFRS.
Transltate to Japanese
'Loss (gain) related to fixed assets' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on IFRS.
Translation: Loss (gain) related to fixed assets...
Translation: 固定資産除売却損益(△は益)...
Translation: 固定資産売却損益(△は益)...
Translation: 企業結合に伴う再測定による(△利益)損失...
Translation: 固定資産処分損...
Translation: 固定資産除却損...
Translation: 固定資産売却損...
Translation: 有価証券関係損益(△は益)...
Translation: 有形固定資産関係損益(△は益)...
Translation: 貸付金関係損益(△は益)...