'Proceeds from sale of intangible assets' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on IFRS.
Translation: 有形固定資産及び無形資産の売却による収入...
Translation: Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment, and intangible...
Translation: Proceeds from sale of intangible assets...
Translation: 売却可能金融資産の売却による収入...
Translation: その他の金融資産の売却による収入...
Translation: Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale financial assets...
Translation: 有形固定資産及び無形資産除売却損益(△は益)...
Translation: 関連会社の売却による収入...
Translation: 投資の売却及び償還による収入...
Translation: 資本性金融商品の売却による収入...
タグ:Assets, from, intangible, of, Proceeds, sale