'Refund of income taxes' is an account name commonly used in Financial Statements based on JGAAP.
Translation: 法人税等還付加算金...
Translation: 過年度法人税等戻入額...
Translation: Interest on refund of income taxes...
Translation: Refund of income taxes...
Translation: Refund of income taxes for prior periods...
Translation: 法人税等の還付額...
Translation: 匿名組合損益分配前税引前当期純利益又は純損失(△)...
Translation: 法人税等の支払額又は還付額(△は支払)...
Translation: 仮受消費税等...
Translation: 信託差入敷金及び保証金の回収による収入...
タグ:Income, of, refund, taxes