情報通信事業営業費用 とは
Operating expenses – information and communication business
タグ:and, business, Communication, expenses, information, operating
Operating expenses – information and communication business
(訳)Operating revenue – information and communication business...
(訳)Shipping business expenses and other operating expenses...
(訳)Operating revenue and expenses from highway business...
(訳)Operating revenue and expenses from telecommunications business...
(訳)Operating revenue and expenses from incidental business...
(訳)COS and expenses from operating activities – detail...
(訳)Operating expenses – land and building...
(訳)Operating revenue and expenses – related operations...
(訳)Operating expenses – house electrification machinery leasing business...
(訳)Education and research and incidental operating revenue and expenses...
タグ:and, business, Communication, expenses, information, operating