Proceeds from issuance of bonds and long-term borrowings
(訳)Redemption of bonds and repayments of long-term borrowings...
(訳)Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment, and intangible...
(訳)Proceeds from sale and redemption of investments...
(訳)Bonds and borrowings...
(訳)Proceeds from sale of investments accounted for using equity method...
(訳)Proceeds from sale of other investments...
(訳)Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale financial assets...
(訳)Proceeds from sale of equity instruments...
(訳)Proceeds from exercise of share acquisition rights...
(訳)Proceeds from sale of interests in subsidiaries to non-controlling interests...
タグ:and, Bonds, Borrowings, from, Issuance, long-term, of, Proceeds