教育研究・附属事業費用 とは
Education and research and incidental operating expenses
タグ:and, Education, expenses, incidental, operating, Research
Education and research and incidental operating expenses
(訳)Education and research and incidental operating revenue and expenses...
(訳)Education and research and incidental operating revenue...
(訳)Education and research and incidental operating profit (loss)...
(訳)Operating revenue and expenses from incidental business...
(訳)Incidental operating revenue and expenses...
(訳)Education and research expenses...
(訳)Proceeds from education and research and incidental operation...
(訳)Other proceeds from education and research and incidental operation...
(訳)Payments for education and research and incidental operation...
(訳)Payments of education and research expenses...
タグ:and, Education, expenses, incidental, operating, Research