Offering and secondary distribution fees
Offering and secondary distribution fees
Accounts for non-received securities and others
Accounts for non-delivered securities and others
Trading securities and other
Salaries and allowances
Association and other membership fee
Interest and discounts expenses
Income from securities and derivatives related to trading transactions
Expenses on trading securities and derivatives
Expenses on securities and derivatives related to trading transactions
Furniture and equipment
Furniture and equipment, net
Net decrease (increase) in lease receivables and investments in leases
Proceeds from cancellation and dividends of money held in trust
Proceeds from issuance of subordinated bonds and bonds with share acquisition rights
Redemption of subordinated bonds and bonds with share acquisition rights
Increase (decrease) in straight bonds – issuance and redemption
Net decrease (increase) in loans and bills discounted
General and administrative expenses
Interest on call money and bills sold
Interest on borrowings and rediscounts