Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses for directors (and other officers)
Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses for directors (and other officers)
Increase (decrease) in provision for retirement benefits and retirement benefits for directors (and other offi […]
Depreciation and amortization on other
Increase (decrease) in provision for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)
Interest and dividend income
Loss (gain) on sales of property, plant and equipment
Payments for raw materials and goods
Depreciation and amortization
Provision of reserve for retirement allowance for directors (and other officers)
Reversal of reserve for retirement allowance for directors (and other officers)
Provision of reserve for research and development
Reversal of reserve for research and development
Profit (loss) before distributions of profit or loss on silent partnerships and income taxes
Loss on support to subsidiaries and associates
Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts for subsidiaries and associates
Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
Provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
Loss on business of subsidiaries and associates
Provision for loss on business of subsidiaries and associates
Loss on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates
Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates