Revenue from incidental businesses
Revenue from incidental businesses
Revenue from district heating and cooling services
Revenue from LNG sales
Revenue from other incidental businesses
Sales from gas business
Revenue from contract manufacturing
Revenue from interoperator settlement
Notes receivable from subsidiaries and associates – trade
Transfer from other account
Grants-in-aid from Nuclear Damage Liability and Nuclear Reactor Decommission Facilitation Fund
Purchased power from other utilities
Purchased power from other suppliers
Revenue from contracts to recover back-end costs related to past years’ power generation
Revenue from loaned facilities
Grants-in-aid receivable from Nuclear Damage Liability and Nuclear Reactor Decommission Facilitation Fund
Operating profit (loss) from telecommunications business
Operating revenue and expenses from incidental business
Operating profit (loss) from incidental business
Current portion of long-term borrowings from subsidiaries and associates
Operating revenue and expenses from telecommunications business
Income from causative person