Redemption of road-building bonds
Redemption of road-building bonds
Proceeds from issuance of other bonds
Redemption of other bonds
Administration costs of highway business and cost of sales
Depreciation of highway non-current assets
Depreciation of related non-current assets
Depreciation of shared Non-current assets
Gain on sales of affiliated non-current assets
Loss on retirement of highway non-current assets
Sales of completed highway construction contracts
Cost of sales of completed highway construction contracts
Provision for refund of coupon tickets
Insurance expenses of ships
Repair expenses of ships
Provision of special reserve for expansion of railway transport capacity
Increase (decrease) in special reserve for expansion of railway transport capacity
Increase (decrease) in provision for large scale renovation of Shinkansen infrastructure
Payments of long-term accounts payable – railway facilities
Redemption of accounts payable to Japan railway construction, transport and technology agency
Loss on sales of goods
Assessed value of railway facilities received as donation