Gain on redemption of bonds
Gain on redemption of bonds
Reversal of allowance for loan losses
Gain on sales of equity securities
Provision for possible loss on support of specific borrowers
Provision for reimbursement of deposits
Guarantee of obligation
Guarantee of obligation – per contra
Negotiable certificates of deposit
Initial margins of futures markets
Variation margins of futures markets
Cost of sales of completed construction contracts
Cost of sales in sideline businesses
Cost of sales in development business and other
Cost of sales in real estate business and other
Increase in cash and cash equivalents resulting from inclusion of subsidiaries in consolidation
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents resulting from exclusion of subsidiaries from consolidation
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents resulting from change in scope of consolidation
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents resulting from merger of consolidated subsidiaries
Net sales of completed construction contracts
Proceeds from exercise of employee share options
Proceeds from disposal of treasury shares