Proceeds from sales and redemption of securities
Proceeds from sales and redemption of securities
Proceeds from deferred insurance
Proceeds from fund management as investing activities
Proceeds from cancellation and dividends of money held in trust
Proceeds from issuance of subordinated bonds and bonds with share acquisition rights
Proceeds from interest on loans
Proceeds from exercise of employee share options
Proceeds from disposal of treasury shares
Proceeds from issuance of shares resulting from exercise of share acquisition rights
Proceeds from issuance of bonds with share acquisition rights
Proceeds from issuance of short-term bonds
Proceeds from issuance of share acquisition rights
Proceeds from sales of treasury shares
Proceeds from issuance of commercial papers
Proceeds from sale and leaseback transactions
Proceeds from changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in change in scope of consolid […]
Proceeds from borrowings
Proceeds from share issuance to non-controlling shareholders
Proceeds from short-term borrowings
Proceeds from long-term borrowings
Proceeds from issuance of bonds